Yellow Jacket Removal Tips and Solutions

Yellow Jacket Removal Tips and Solutions

Yellowjackets are one of the greatest pest threats in Canada. They burrow into the ground or find an abandoned rodent hole to build their nest which makes them nearly undetectable. If you have yellowjacket wasps on your property then you need to take action right away, they do not dwell very far from their nest so it is almost assured that the nest is on your property. There are a few options you can try at home but if you want that nest gone you will have to call a professional because yellowjackets are very dangerous and highly aggressive and territorial. Do not attempt to exterminate them in the daytime, wait until late at night to deal with them if you plan on using pesticides.

 If you suspect yellowjacket presence anywhere near or on your property, contact wasp removal Whitby for quick and safe removal.

The yellow jacket wasp has a simple life cycle. They awaken from their hibernation on the first warm day of spring. This is a very good thing in Canada which is the land of sudden frosts. If a queen is building a nest in early spring and a frost hits it will kill every queen in the area and the summer will be far less filled with wasps. A reason to be thankful for cold days in spring. The queen finds a secluded place in a hole to build her nest, it’s a small pocket like a nest that she fills with eggs and hunts and feeds. She does all the work at this point in the cycle. When the sterile female workers she laid grow to adulthood she stays in the nest and lays eggs while the workers hunt for food and build the nest. This continues through the summer. At the end of the summer, when the queen has stopped making workers the wasp workers become very aggressive and go after sweet-tasting human food. This can be the most aggravating time to have wasps as you are likely to have a lot of outdoor events with lots of sweet treats. So what is there to do? You can try building wasp traps and hanging them far from the activity to attract the wasps away from the party. Start with a clear plastic jug like the ones used for orange juice. Cut a small 1-inch hole in the top and will the bottle with rotten fruit, water, and apple cider vinegar. The wasps will get trapped and will be unable to find the exit. They will suffocate from the vinegar and die. This is an easy way to keep them at bay but is in no way a solution. 

If they are truly a threat to your property it is time to call the professionals at Wasp Control. Our technicians can kill, remove, and destroy the nest in the daytime and leave a residual spray the will kill the worker wasps when they try to return to the nest in the night.