Why yellow jackets are especially aggressive in the late summer and fall

Why yellow jackets are especially aggressive in the Late Summer and fall

Yellowjackets are a very frustrating and dangerous infestation to have on your property. They are aggressive and they protect their territory fiercely. If you approach their nest they will attack in a swarm and they will chase a person around corners, over obstacles, and even wait for you over water. Don’t come up for air or you will be stung. They also have a good memory for human faces. They can remember if someone angered them and will avoid other people to fly over and sting you specifically. They can also extend this information to other wasps. 

If you suspect wasp presence anywhere near or on your property, contact wasp removal Whitby  for quick and safe removal.

The yellowjacket wasp generally dies off in the late fall. The queens survive and leave to hibernate through the winter. Come the spring the queens will leave their hibernation cover and find a place to build a new nest. They will locate a place and build a small paper nest where they will lay their eggs and hunt for food. They will work constantly to raise their first sterile female workers and once that is done the queen will sit back and just lay eggs. The workers will take it from there, building the nest up and finding food to feed the larva. As the summer progresses the queen stops producing workers and takes a break. This is when the yellowjackets become the most aggressive. Because the wasp workers have essentially nothing to do, they can’t lay eggs and they have nothing to care for, they focus on themselves and what they want. And what they want is sweet things, like nectar. And nothing is sweeter than human food, ice cream, cake, milkshakes and beer, all of these things are sugary and will attract wasps to your outdoor garden party or your 1st of July bbq. 

If you have wasps on your property you can take care of it in a couple of different ways. You can build a wasp trap out of an old clear plastic jug. Pour into it some rotten fruit, juice, and apple cider vinegar. Then cut a small hole in the top about 1 inch wide. The wasps will fly in to eat the sweet things but will get trapped and suffocate from the acidic vinegar. This is the easiest and cheapest way to get rid of wasps. 

If the situation is getting worse you can always call the professionals at Wasp Control. We will remove and destroy the nest and leave a residual treatment that will last all summer.