Why does Whitby have so many rats

Why does Whitby have so many rats?

Rats are attracted to warm and damp places. They have a ravenous appetite and need to eat constantly and chew because their teeth are constantly growing. Because of this, the city is the perfect place to be. A near-infinite number of warm places to sleep, garbage cans full of food and all the concrete they can chew. 

Not just that, rats are a huge danger to humans and pets. Rats, like most rodents, leave droppings that can cause bacteria to spread. It can get on your food, cause allergic reactions and more. 

Rats have the capability to transfer up to 35 different viruses through their urine and feces. To have rats removed contact rat removal service Whitby for permanent eradication.

Most rats came to Canada on ships from Europe, hence the most common rat in Toronto being the Norwegian. The rats would fill the streets in the 1800s and were a constant pest to everyone. I mean they caused a plague back in Europe. That is why they have not protected wildlife. They are pests so they can be killed off. Preferably by the hundreds. 

If you think you have rats don’t try to deal with it on your own, call the professionals. Rats carry a lot of diseases that can infect you and your family so don’t pick them up without protection and don’t handle a live rat cause it will bite you and give you a fatal disease. 

One of the reasons rats seem to be everywhere is that, unlike mice, rats don’t settle down. They like the bachelor life and are always running in and out of the house so they can be found both on the interior and exterior of an infested building. They are very cautious but brave in that they will take risks to find food. And they are not so afraid of a human that they won’t attack it.