what to do about a wasp nest in the wall

What to do about a wasp nest in the wall

Having wasps in the first place is dangerous and frustrating but when they are in your walls the situation changes dramatically.

If you suspect wasp presence anywhere near or on your property, contact wasp removal Whitby  for quick and safe removal.

Many kinds of wasps can enter your home and make a nest. The paper wasp is the most common, they make an umbrella-shaped nest that is easy to identify and contain bee-like hexagonal indentations that are used for laying individual eggs, they are not aggressive and can be easily killed with some insecticide spray. The yellowjacket, much more common and capable of building very large nests if given a warm environment can be a serious threat. They normally build nests in the ground but can also build them in any closed space like behind a wall. 

If you want to get rid of them then you will first need to find them. Follow the wasps outside and inside, staying far enough away not to get stung. When you see them enter a crack you can assume the nest in nearby. Keep tracking them until you are sure you know where they are. Start by sealing off any entrances or exits the wasps could use to leave the wall. If you must seal weep vents and soffits and even shingles. There are many ways they can enter your home and it may take a professional to seal them all. This will make exterminating them much easier. 

You will then have to drill a hole in the wall where the nest is and hang some traps in the room to keep the population at bay. When it’s dark and late and the wasps are all asleep in their nest you can insert a large amount of insecticide spray into the hole. Use can after can, 10 of them won’t be enough. It may take days to kill them all and if you failed to seal them off they will find a way to attack you. Once the nest seems dead you can remove it by tearing the wall down. This is a lot of work but leaving the nest on your wall is a much worse decision. Using insecticide dust will be more effective and can coat the area much more easily. It will still take multiple treatments. 

Once the nest is removed you can reseal the wall and take preventative measures to stop wasps from getting into your house in the first place. If this sounds like a lot of work, it is. Calling a professional at Wasp Control would resolve the problem in less than two hours, the technicians are licensed, insured, and trained in dealing with wasp issues, no matter where they are. They can kill the nest, remove it, and destroy it and leave a residual spray that will kill the wasps when they return to the nest location at sundown.