
Signs of Carpenter Ants in the House. How to Identify An Infestation

As homeowners, we work hard to make sure that our homes are safe and cozy. But sometimes people who aren’t asked show up. The carpenter ant is one such uninvited guest that can do a lot of damage. These insects are very good at cutting through wood, which makes them a possible threat to your home’s structure. In this piece, we’ll talk about the signs of a carpenter ant infestation and how to spot them early.

Visible Carpenter Ants: Seeing the ants is the easiest way to tell if you have a carpenter ant problem. Large black ants that are about 6 to 13 mm long are often seen crawling along surfaces, especially in the evening or early morning when they are most busy. Keep an eye out for them in damp places like kitchens, baths, and other rooms.

Frass That Looks Like Sawdust: Unlike termites, carpenter ants don’t eat wood. Instead, they dig it up to make their homes. As they cut through wood, they push out tiny pieces of wood that look like sawdust. This mess, called “frass,” is a sign that carpenter ants have been there. If you see piles of frass near wood or places with cracks and crevices, this is a strong sign of an infection.

Sounds: You can sometimes hear carpenter ants at work, which might sound strange. When the colony is very busy, you might hear a light rustling or crunching sound as the termites dig into the wood. This noise is louder if the nest is close to your walls or living areas.

Rustling Sounds in Walls: Carpenter ants are good at nesting in the spaces between walls, which makes it hard to find them. But if you listen closely, especially at night, you might hear rustling sounds coming from behind walls. This might show where the ants are going as they build their homes.

During the mating season, carpenter ants make “swarmers,” which are females with wings that reproduce. The males and females drop their wings near the nest’s entrance after mating. If you find broken wings around your house, it means that carpenter ants are nearby.

Structures made of wood that have been damaged: As the invasion gets worse, the damage to wooden structures becomes more obvious. Carpenter ants like to build their nests in wet or rotting wood, which makes places like window frames, door panels, and wooden decks easy targets. Look for signs of hollowed or weaker wood in these spots.

Carpenter ants use certain paths to find food when they are out hunting. Look for lines of ants going to and from their nest and where they get food. You can see these ant trails both inside and outside, especially near places where there is food or water.

Nesting Sites Outside the House: Carpenter ants often set up satellite colonies outside the house. Look for nests in tree stumps, firewood piles, and other moist wood structures near your home. If you find nests outside, it could mean that there are pests inside.

In conclusion, finding an abundance of carpenter ants early is very important. If you keep an eye out for signs of carpenter ants in your home, you can take action in time to stop them from doing more damage. Keep an eye out for bugs, poop piles, and old wings, and listen for any rustling sounds coming from behind walls. If you think you have an outbreak, you should call a professional pest control service to get rid of carpenter ants completely and effectively.