Importance of Plugging Up Carpenter Bee Holes after the treatment

Importance of Plugging Up Carpenter Bee Holes after the treatment

Carpenter bees are a very frustrating infestation. They are not only dangerous to you, your family, and your pets but they are also a danger to your home. Carpenter bees are called so because they burrow into wood. Unlike termites they do not eat the wood they simply chew it and spit it out from the exit to create a bad-smelling mess outside the hole called Frass. Frass is a combination of old bee parts, feces, and wood dust. It is a terrible thing for asthma and can cause a minor condition to become life-threatening. If you have these insects on our property you should not try to exterminate them on your own, you should call the professionals. 

If you suspect wasp presence anywhere near or on your property, contact wasp removal Whitby for quick and safe removal.

Carpenter bees drill tunnels into raw wood, they cannot penetrate painted, varnished, or treated wood but do not get excited yet. Even if your deck is made of pressure-treated wood that does not stop the bees from accessing areas of your home that you cannot paint or varnish. The drip edge leads to the interior of the house, between the walls and siding and through the weep vents. They can drill in any wood that is natural and raw. Most of the wood in your house is inaccessible unless you plan on spending thousands on a renovation to get rid of bees. 

The carpenter bee female is the central orchestrator of the nest. They build the nest, they lay eggs, they find food for the larva and to feed the other bees and they are the only ones that are capable of stinging. The males have no stinger and are essentially useless beyond mating. If you threaten the nest the males will simply buzz around your head in an attempt to annoy you. The females lay eggs in a catacomb-like structure. They seal the inlet up and when the larva matures it breaks out on its own. They can lay thousands of eggs like this and overwhelm your yard with bees that are aggressive and territorial. 

Because carpenter bees live inside of wood the winter is not harsh on them. They can seal the entrance to their nest and survive through the winter easily. This means they are not going away like wasps and outdoor bees. They are staying for good. So unless you plan on painting the inside of your walls you will have to call a professional exterminator to get rid of this pest infestation. Call Wasp Control and we can kill the nest, remove it, and destroy it. The queen will be gone and you can have peace of mind.