how to inspect your property for carpenter bee infestations

How to inspect your property for carpenter bee infestations

Carpenter bees are a massive threat, not only to your family but to your home as well. These bees can give enough time, cause your entire house to collapse. Like termites and carpenter ants these insects drill holes in raw wood to make their nests. If you have these insects in your home then you need to get them out. 

If you suspect wasp presence anywhere near or on your property, contact wasp removal Whitby for quick and safe removal.

The life cycle of the carpenter bee is simple. They can survive the winter if they have a deep nest in wood, they seal the entrance and can essentially hibernate. The only way they will die off is if you kill them. The female bees are the ones who lay the eggs, they are also the ones who can sting and the ones who can create tunnels in wood. Male bees are used for mating and then are left to their own devices. They will try to annoy you if you approach the nest but all they can do is a buzz around your head. The females though, are very aggressive and will sting if you enter their territory. The females create long catacomb-like tunnels in raw wood, they cannot penetrate painted, varnished, or treated wood, only raw. They fill the opening along the side with eggs, bee bread (carpenter bees are a threat but also important pollinators), and then they seal the opening off until the egg matures and breaks free on its own. They will either be male or female and all-new bees are sexually active. 

The danger to your home is not just in that female bees can sting. You may be walking on your deck, not knowing you have this bee infestation only for your foot to go through one of the boards, now injured you must take time off work and pay for the deck to be fixed and worry who else will get injured on it. If your wood is filling up with holes then you have an issue. The holes are about an inch wide and are a little wonky in shape. They often have something called Frass pouring out of it. This is a combination of bee parts, feces, and chewed-up fine wood powder. This mishmash smells terrible and is a quick sign that you have carpenter bees in your home. You will also notice them hovering around raw wood. Now, these bees love decks and walls made of wood but nothing intrigues them quite as much as a drip edge. Cut off and unreachable the drip edge is the perfect place for them to nest.