How to find a wasp nest inside the walls

How to find a wasp nest inside the walls

Wasps are a serious threat to your family and your pets. Animals often try to eat wasps and end up getting stung in the mouth and throat, this can be fatal for a small dog and dangerous for a large one. A human who is allergic needs only one sting to risk death, so if they are on the property and someone is allergic make sure to have EpiPens and to keep an eye on them when they are outside. 

If you suspect wasp presence anywhere near or on your property, contact wasp removal Whitby for quick and safe removal.

One of the hardest parts about wasps, especially wasps like yellowjackets, is that they hide their nests underground. Either in a self-made hole started by the queen herself or an abandoned rat or rodent burrow. If this happens on your property it may take so long to find that you don’t realize it is there till you run a lawnmower over it. 

This can be worse, however. These wasps are tenacious and if they manage to find a place with access to warmth their nest does not need to die in the winter and they can continue multiplying and growing their nest. If they are in your wall then you may be in big trouble. They will have easy access to the inside of the house and they will have all year to increase the nest. You will have to search very hard to find it but there are tricks. 

Most of the time these insects nest in vents and ducts. They will go into the drip edge and make nests between walls and through weep vents and behind siding with openings, and all siding has at least some opening. A professional can often locate them in short order but that will often come with a fee either for the inspection or at least for the work. If you want to find them yourself you can try the following method:

If you want to find them you will have to follow them. Wait for the afternoon when most wasps are heading back to the nest with their cache of food and wood pulp. They will fly around collecting these things, killing other insects, and taking their bodies to the nest until nightfall when they go to sleep. At dusk follow them around the property and eventually they will lead you to the nest. After that its just a matter of calling Wasp Control. Our trained, insured and licensed exterminators can get rid of the peskiest nests in the peskiest places. Trust us, we know what we are doing.