How rat infestations impacts food supplies

How rat infestations impacts food supplies

Puerto Rico was recently hit with a hurricane. They are barely surviving down there. They lost electricity and most still don’t have it. They are desperate for food and supplies. But you would never guess what happened.

Rats have the capability to transfer up to 35 different viruses through their urine and feces. To have rats removed contact rat removal service Whitby for permanent eradication.

The food and supplies meant to be sent to Puerto Rico were being stored in a government building. This government building then had a rat infestation. The rats destroyed the food and supplies to such an extent that they could not be sent to Puerto Rico due to the toxic nature of the supplies. This is how serious a rat infestation is to your food supplies. It turns out the infestation was already present a number of days before the hurricane and instead of resolving the rat issue, they simply stored the food in the building, likely knowing it would be destroyed. 

Rats invade homes that have large amounts of food stockpiled in cupboards and such. Food in cardboard boxes that rats just love to chew through. If you have a rat infestation then it can be guaranteed that any food that is not locked away will be destroyed and infected with a range of toxic viruses and bacteria. 

Rats will not eat very much, but in the process, they will utterly lay waste to everything else. They poop and urinate on all the food they eat simply because they don’t have bathroom training. So if your food has been accessed by a rat, the tell is chew marks, then that food is now garbage and is not fit for human consumption. Nothing is safe from rats. If you want to protect your food supply from rats then you will have to either store everything in hard plastic tupaware or get rid of the rats. I recommend the latter.