How can rats transmit buebonic plague

How can rats transmit buebonic plague?

All through history since the plagues the rat has been blamed for spreading it. It’s because rats are dirty and filthy animals that crap on their own food and are filled with disease. But like with everything humans believe, it’s quite wrong.

Rats have the capability to transfer up to 35 different viruses through their urine and feces. To have rats removed contact rat removal service Whitby for permanent eradication.

Now rats can have the plague, but they die from it, so if a rat is going to give you the plague they have a very short span of time in which to do it. And it needs to be quite the contact, a bit would do it. 

The plague actually comes from fleas, ticks and lice. All spread by humans. Humans were the cause of the plague that levelled Europe and killed millions. It was us who were filthy and full of disease and us who allowed our world to get so filthy that we all got sick. Like Covid-19, the source is not an animal or nature, but us, and our abuse of the ecology of the world at large. Why are rats so filled with disease, because they hang out around us? Scary thought, isn’t it. Never imagined the humans could be the ones making rats sick but it’s true, we are the source of the plague. Throughout inability to maintain a clean and sterile society. 

There was actually an experiment performed to find the source of the plague. They compared air-born transmission to rats and fleas and ticks. In most models, the fleas and ticks were clearly the cause of the spread of the virus. That is why it spread so rapidly, rats cannot actually move fast enough for the plague to spread as fast as it did. You see it wasn’t spread from rat to human, it was spread from human to human.