Lyme disease is a dangerous illness you can catch from ticks. But how would a human get a tick? Ticks have a three-stage life cycle. They start as a larve and attach themselves to small animals like mice. As they enter the second stage the tick larva moults and prepares for winter. They can survive winter it turns out. When spring comes they become active as nymphs that are small enough to go unnoticed by humans. In the wild, they would attach themselves to a deer, but if a human is near they will happily take it.
Mice have the capability to transfer up to 35 different viruses through their urine and feces. To have mice removed contact mouse removal service Whitby for permanent eradication
In the case of an adult tick, which is quite large, most people would notice them and get rid of it. If done before 36 hours passes you’ll be fine, but in the case of nymphs it can be harder to notice and you may actually suffer symptoms of the illness, long term health risks include cognitive defects.
That is why it is very important to prevent your pets from getting ticks. And a common way for them to get ticks is if you have mice in your house that have ticks. Mice are the animal often first attacked by a tick larva, if they then enter your home they could pass that tick on to your pets, or even you. I know you don’t want to get Lyme disease so you should probably do something if you have mice in your home.
So how can you avoid ticks in your home? Make sure to get rid of any mice infestation and then call a professional to do some professional exclusion to prevent further rat infestations. Our technicians are skilled in rodent extermination and can help you rid your house of not just the mice, but the sterilization and deodorization as well.
Call The Exterminators Inc. Now to get an appointment, before it’s too late!