how do japanese hornets build their nests

How do Japanese hornets build their nests

Japanese Muder Hornets. They hail from china and japan and have been there for hundreds of years, but recently they were introduced to North America. While the northern part of the country will be rid of them by the winter, they are not built for the cold at all and do not know how to hibernate like northern wasp queens, the southern parts of the United States could be in great danger as their warm environment will allow the murder hornets to continue causing damage. 

If you suspect hornet presence anywhere near or on your property, contact hornet removal Whitby for quick and safe removal.

These hornets can grow to be large than a human thumb, they have a sting that can kill a person. They make their nests in the ground like yellowjackets. Stepping on one of these nests can easily result in death. Enough stings from a swarm of murder hornets can cause full renal failure and death. 

The life cycle of the murder hornet is also similar to that of the yellow jacket but with the difference that the queen cannot hibernate and survive the winter. However, she can start her own nest like a yellowjacket queen and she can lay eggs and feed her larva and help them grow into workers. The queen is much bigger than the workers, at 2 inches long she is a terrifying insect to confront and she can sting repeatedly to defend her nest. 

Their habitat is not tropical as most people would assume. They prefer lowlands and forests because they are better locations to find beehives, their preferred meal. Their nest is built into the ground like a yellowjacket which means they either dig a hole themselves or find an abandoned rodent hole and build it in there. The nest at its largest is not especially large but it does not need to be. The murder hornet is not like other wasps and hornets, they are willing to travel miles to find a beehive and they can leave a trail of pheromones behind them to bring the rest of the nest. You can avoid their nests but you still may run into a murder hornet just walking down the street. This can be terrifying, they are very dangerous and one sting can put a person in the hospital. What is there to do?

If you have a nest on your property do not try to deal with it yourself. Call in the professionals at Wasp Control. Our technicians can remove the nest, kill it, and destroy it and guarantee the area the nest was in for 6 months. Get back your peace of mind.