Does a vacant house attract rats?

Does a vacant house attract rats?

Vacant houses on their own don’t attract anything. But a vacant home with food or leaky pipes or a weak roof that can be easily chewed through is definitely a house that will attract rat activity, and probably a lot of other activity as well.

Rats have the capability to transfer up to 35 different viruses through their urine and feces. To have rats removed contact rat removal service Whitby for permanent eradication.

We all know the joke about the old unused house, like Grey Gardens, where cats would pee everywhere, and rodents ran around free in the daytime. And Little Edie and Big Edie still lived there through all of that. 

Old, rotting homes are usually rampant with every infestation imaginable. Animals in the ceilings, rodents everywhere and way too many bugs for the spiders to handle. A house with cobwebs is a good sign of a house with a current infestation and its likely rats.

If you have just bought or inherited a house like this then you are in for a lot of work. Fixing the house will cost a lot but nothing can be done until you rid the house of the infestation of rats. Otherwise, they may just chew through all your hard work and pee all over your dreams of owning an old country estate with a vineyard attached. Also, the grapes will not be long for this world with all the rats that live on the property. 

Of course, the house you find yourself in may not be a country estate but it can still be rife with rats after sitting empty for so long. If you are in this situation you can try taking care of it yourself but the rat infestation is likely way too big for you to deal with on your own. So call the professionals at The Exterminators Inc. What can resolve your rat issue within 4 weeks, and we back that with a warranty for 6 months.

Call The Exterminators Inc. Now to get an appointment, before it’s too late!