Do rats eat cockroaches?

Do rats eat cockroaches?

Rats, I hate rats. Who doesn’t hate rats? Everyone hates rats. They are a very hatable species. In fact, you could say that since the plague of europe, they are the most hated species of any species on this planet of earth. Funny when you think about it. They didn’t really cause the plague, we did by being dirty and unsanitary. But still, we hate rats.

Rats have the capability to transfer up to 35 different viruses through their urine and feces. To have rats removed contact rat removal service Whitby for permanent eradication.

You know what, I just thought of something people hate more than rats. Cockroaches. Doesn’t that word make your skin crawl? You’re mind races as you worry… do I have them? Do I have roaches? What if. They are hard to find if you don’t know exactly what to look for. 

Now, presenting, the greatest battle on earth. Do rats eat roaches!

Yes. Yes, they do.

Oh, what? Where expecting some long drawn out the answer? Something about nature and ecology and the origin of species? No. It’s just yes. Rats get hungry and roaches are there and edible. So they eat. That’s it, That’s life, that’s how it works. Rats eat roaches.

Now, I know what you thinking. What if you introduced rats into your home, to get rid of the roaches. Well first off, a cat would be just as good and also, no, that is crazy. That is not going to work. The rats will make a nest and maybe eat a couple of roaches here and there but all that will happen is your house will become infested with both roaches and rats. So it’s not a great plan, although mildly poetic. 

Now if you tried this it’s okay. You can get rid of both of them by calling The Exterminators Inc. We can get rid of both the roaches and the rats, and we can do it at the same time. Within a month your house will be free of roaches and rats, and you’ll wonder why you had that idea in the first place. 

Call The Exterminators Inc. Now to get an appointment, before it’s too late!