can wasp nest continue if you kill the queen

Can wasp nest continue if you kill the queen

A wasp nest is a dangerous threat to your property. They can sting in swarms and the result can be deadly. If you have a wasp nest burgeoning on your property then you need to act fast. You have one chance to kill the queen and stop the nest from growing and you won’t get another. If you fail to stop the queen you will certainly end up with a full-blown nest on your hands. 

It is best to contact Wasp Control Whitby in the Greater Toronto Area to declare your home ant-free as soon as possible!

The life cycle of the nesting wasps, wasps that nest in largely populated nests as opposed to solitary wasps that build nests on their own, is simple to explain. The wasp nest, assuming it is outside and open to the elements, will die off in the winter. The queen escapes on her own to find a place to hibernate for the winter. Come the spring she will lay eggs in a small pocket like a nest that she makes herself. At this point, she is the only member of the colony. She must build the nest, lay the eggs, and feed the larva. Once the larva hatch, they will start building and working as well. If you don’t notice the nest until the summer then you are too late. The nest is established and killing the queen will do little to get rid of them and will just result in a lot of angry wasps on your property looking for their queen. 

Now if you find the nest in the spring you have a chance. If you can find the nest, it will be quite small at this time, you will be able to see if it is big enough to have adult worker wasps. If it’s smaller than a fist it’s the queen’s first nest and it’s just her. Wait till the night and spray the nest with insecticide. This will kill the queen and any eggs or larva that may be growing. The nest will die and can be removed the next day. This is the easy method but if you can’t find it and it gets to a larger size with hundreds or thousands of wasps then you may need to call in professionals.

Wasp control has everything you need to handle the largest nests in the highest locations. We can kill the nest, remove it, and destroy it in the span of one or two hours. We will guarantee that removal with a six-month warranty and ensure that you and your family have the peace of mind that comes with a safe backyard.