Can rat infestation cause fire hazard?

Can rat infestation cause fire hazard?

Rats are vile disgusting creatures that crap on your food and piss in your walls. They are a menace to all peoples and communities and they will destroy your home if given the chance. 

Rats have the capability to transfer up to 35 different viruses through their urine and feces. To have rats removed contact  rat removal service Whitby for permanent eradication

Rats are creatures that desire warmth. They will make a nest out of whatever they can find and that usually means paper and cardboard. They will stay in these nests and breed, and as they breed there will be more rats to make more nests. These nests are always made out of dry materials like paper, yarn and whatever else they can find.

It’s clear that they are essentially making kindling for the future bonfire that will be your house. These rats do not know they can cause a fire with their nests but that is the way it is. If you have a rat infestation then your chances of experiencing a house fire definitely increase. 

If you have a rat infestation then it is very important that you get rid of them. You need to get rid of all cardboard and store papers in a sealed plastic container. You need to seal up all your pipes and fix all your taps to stop water from leaking. Take your pet food bowls into the house and clean the living hell out of your kitchen because those rats can live on crumbs. 

You can also install one-way doors on your toilet and block sink drains with mesh to help prevent sewer rats from entering and infesting your home. But once they are there it’s hell to get rid of them. This is why you should call the professionals. At The Exterminators Inc, we have everything we need to rid you of internal and external rat threats, from exclusion to commercial rodenticide and snap traps we can end your rat nightmare and return your home to YOU!

Call The Exterminators Inc. Now to get an appointment, before it’s too late!