Can mice transmit new types of viruses and super bugs

Can mice transmit new types of viruses and super bugs?

House mice are curious and adventuris, sadly. They can find their way into any house or apartment, no matter how ritzy. 

But mice aren’t what they used to be. They have changed, become carriers of illnesses we have not seen before. Mice have been found to have superbugs, bacteria resistant to antibiotics that can be severely life-threatening.

Mice have the capability to transfer up to 35 different viruses through their urine and feces. To have mice removed contact  mouse removal service Whitby for permanent eradication

These bugs are usually only found in hospitals where they are quickly quelled. But in this case, the superbugs are developing on mice. These mice, though, are obviously not like the mice you find in the natural world. They are mice from the city, exposed to all sorts of things, possibly even toxic waste. They travel is sewers and then crawl into your home housing diseases yet to be identified by the medical community. 

This is a serious threat to your family and a very good reason to take precautionary steps to prevent rats from entering your home. 

A great first step is to hire a professional pest control company to perform exclusion on your property. Exclusion is the process of sealing entry points that an animal, like mice, could get through. 

You can also get the plumbing fixed to get rid of leaks in your home that will attract rats in search of a source of water. Cleaning your home regularly and thoroughly is also a great way to keep rats away, never leave leftovers out, inside or outside and store food in sealed plastic containers. Get rid of clutter and cardboard and you should be safe from any future mouse or rat infestation. 

If that doesn’t work, and the mice don’t go away, you can call a professional to help eradicate them. 

Call The Exterminators Inc. Now to get an appointment, before it’s too late!