
Summer House Guests: Why Do Mice Come in the House in the Summer?

As the warm summer months come, so do mice, which are not welcome. During the summer, these small mice often come into our homes to stay out of the heat. If we know why mice come inside during this time, we can take steps to keep them out and keep our houses rodent-free. In this piece, we’ll talk about why mice come into the house in the summer and give you some good ways to keep them out.

Seeking Shelter from Heat

One of the main reasons mice come inside during the summer is to get away from the hot weather. When it gets hot outside, mice look for places that are cooler and more comfy. Our homes are a good place for these rodents to live because we can control the temperature and provide a lot of protection.

Food and water are easy to get.

In the summer, dry weather and less greenery can make it hard for mice to find food in the wild. Because of this, mice are forced to look for other ways to eat, and our homes make this easy for them. Mice can be attracted to food crumbs, spilled pet food, and trash that isn’t locked up.

Time to have babies

The summer is also the time for mice to have their babies. Female mice look for places that are safe and quiet to lay their eggs and raise their young. Mice like to give birth and raise their young in our homes because there are lots of places to hide and breeding materials like paper and fabric.

Structural Vulnerabilities

Mice are good at climbing, so they can easily get into homes through small cracks and holes. During the summer, when the temperature rises and falls, homes may grow and contract, leaving gaps that mice can use to get in.

drew in by smells

Mice can come into our homes if they can smell things like food or trash. In the summer, when it’s warmer, these smells can get stronger, making them easier for mice to notice.

Trying to find water sources

Like all other living things, mice need water to stay alive. During the dry summer months, mice may not be able to find enough water outside, so they may come inside to look for water from leaky pipes, dripping taps, or condensation.

How to Keep Mice Away in Summer

Seal Entry Points: Check the outside of your house carefully and seal any holes, cracks, or gaps that mice could use to get in.

Proper Food Storage: Keep food in containers that don’t let air in, and don’t let mice get to food crumbs or pet food that has fallen on the floor.

Regular Cleaning: Make sure your home is clean and organized, and make sure that there are no food scraps or trash that could draw rodents.

Fix Leaks: Fix any plumbing leaks or dripping taps to get rid of sources of water that mice might use to get in.

Trim plants and trees away from the house as part of your outdoor maintenance to make it harder for mice to hide.

Use Natural Deterrents: Some natural smells, such as peppermint oil or cloves, can keep mice away. Put cotton balls that have been soaked in these oils near places where people could get in.

If we know why mice come into the house in the summer, we can take steps to keep them out. During the summer, mice look for places to hide from the heat, get food and water, and have safe places to have babies. We can keep mice from coming inside by sealing up holes, putting food away properly, keeping our homes clean, and fixing water leaks. Taking these preventative steps will help make sure that our homes are pest-free and comfortable this summer, so we can enjoy our homes without these unwanted summer house guests.