
How to Keep Mice Away: Preventing Access Under Siding

Mice are smart and resourceful animals that can get into homes through tiny cracks and holes. Mice often get into a house through the space under siding, where they can squeeze through and get inside. To keep mice away, it’s important to make sure they can’t get in through this weak spot. In this piece, we’ll look at some good ways to stop mice from getting under siding and protect your home from infestations.

Understanding Why Mice Like to Siding

The room under siding is perfect for mice looking for a safe place to live. It gives them a place to hide and keep warm that keeps them safe from harsh weather and possible enemies. Also, the small holes and gaps between siding pieces make it easy for mice to get in.

Stopping Mice from Getting Under Siding

Seal Gaps and Cracks: Carefully check your home’s siding and base for any gaps, cracks, or other openings that need to be filled. Seal these holes with glue, steel wool, or expanding foam to stop mice from getting in.

Install Hardware Cloth: Use hardware cloth or mesh wire to cover larger holes, such as those around utility lines and vents. Mice can’t chew through this material because it is too tough, so they can’t get in.

Trim Plants: Keep plants, bushes, and trees cut back and away from the siding. Mice can easily get into and hide in places where plants are too big.

Raise firewood and other trash. Keep firewood, lumber, and other trash away from your house’s base and siding. Raise them off the ground to reduce the number of places mice could hide.

Secure Trash Cans: Make sure trash cans have tight-fitting lids and aren’t close to the house. Don’t leave food scraps or trash cans with the lids open near the walls, because mice will be attracted to them.

Maintenance: Check the siding and base every so often for signs of wear or damage. Fix any parts that are loose or falling apart quickly to keep mice from taking advantage of weak spots.

Consider Metal Flashing: Putting metal flashing at the bottom of the wall can prevent mice from getting in. Metal is hard for mice to chew through, so it works well as a mouse barrier.

Keep an eye on the gardening. Pay attention to things like retaining walls and decorative stones. Mice can use these things as steps to get to higher places, like walls.

Hire a Professional: If you think you have a mouse problem or can’t stop them from getting in through the wall, you might want to hire a licensed pest control professional. They can do a full inspection, figure out where mice are getting in, and take effective steps to get rid of them.


Preventing mice from getting under the walls is an important step to take to keep your home safe from possible infestations. Mice are clever and can get in through even the smallest holes. You can keep mice out of your house by filling in holes, putting up hardware cloth, cutting plants, and doing regular maintenance. Also, keeping the area around your home clean and safe will make it less appealing to these unwanted guests. Keep in mind that early protection and proactive steps are the best way to keep mice away and keep your home pest-free.